Have you ever wondered what the ranking factors are for improving placement in the Google Organic Search results? Here is an infographic that does an outstanding job of showing what some of those factors are.
Most SEO experts agree that over 200 ranking factors play a part in the Google Algorithm that evaluates and ranks potential search engine results, but no one knows exactly how they are weighted and if how much the factors change based on the “context” of the search. Context can include the location of the IP address of the device that is being used for the search, the browser being used, the type of device — desktop, smartphone, tablet, etc., and the search history of the searcher.
Complicated stuff, but we are undeterred in moving forward and finding those answers. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about Google SEO ranking factors.
For any questions on local or national SEO, please feel free to contact us at info@zenergyworks.com.